Traffic metrology


In Switzerland, measuring instruments used for official speed checks and red (traffic) light monitoring are regulated by an ordinance. METAS ensures that the measuring instruments used meet the legal requirements in terms of approval, initial verification and periodic re-verification. This is so that society’s trust in official measurements is based on a metrologically sound and reliable foundation.

A device of a particular type may not be used for official speed measurement or red light monitoring without official approval. During initial verification, we check that the measuring instrument in question complies with the particular type and with the legal requirements. As part of the periodic verifications, we check at one-year intervals that the instrument still complies with the particular type and continues to meet the legal requirements.

This provides the police with measuring instruments that are accurate and reliable, and ensures that drivers can trust the speed measurement.


We offer services for measuring instruments used to determine speeds, distances, gaps between vehicles, rotational speeds and interval times, mainly in the field of road traffic applications. We offer our services in the legally regulated area for the benefit of Swiss society as well as to commercial clients. We are also recognised abroad for our high-quality, innovative services.

Approvals and verifications
In Switzerland, we are responsible for the marketing of measuring instruments for speed checks and red light monitoring in road traffic (approvals and initial verifications). At METAS, we also carry out periodic checks on the measurement stability of these measuring instruments (re-verifications).

Tests in real traffic
We test measuring instruments in real-world conditions on motorways and other roads. For this purpose, we deploy a wide range of high-quality, stationary and mobile reference test instruments.

Testing with simulators
We have developed complex traffic simulation procedures for a wide range of measurement technologies in order to be able to test measuring devices in the laboratory as realistically as possible. This enables us to carry out special tests for individual customer requirements with repeatable conditions across the entire speed range. This is not possible in real road traffic, or only with great effort.

Using GNSS/GPS or optical means, we offer calibrations on the road or with simulators for measuring instruments that measure the speed or distance travelled by vehicles.

We also provide services in the field of speed measurement for a wide range of technologies.

Expertise, consultancy and courses

We provide expert opinions on behalf of judicial authorities on speeds and distances in road traffic. We share our knowledge with interested parties in the form of consultations and courses.

We remain at your disposal for details of our services. Contact us without obligation.

Research and development

A road traffic measurement cannot be repeated. It must be accurate and dependable the first time. In order for us to ensure that measurement equipment and measurement procedures are accurate and dependable, we develop automated special simulated test procedures. They enable us to test the characteristics of the various measurement technologies and the behaviour under critical traffic constellations in the laboratory. Simulations also offer a way to test different types under reproducible, identical conditions, something that is not possible in real road traffic situations.

We carry out research and development projects that are related to our services. We have set a new focus on autonomous driving and are open to cooperation with industry and research partners. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Last modification 08.07.2024

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Federal Institute of Metrology
Laboratory Traffic
Lindenweg 50
CH-3003 Bern-Wabern
T +41 58 387 01 11

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