VNA Tools training course and VNA expert day

VNA Tools is a free software developed by METAS for measurements with the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). The software facilitates the tasks of evaluating measurement uncertainty in compliance with the ISO-GUM and justifying metrological traceability.The software is available for download at The three day course provides a practical and hands-on lesson with this superior and versatile software.

Course targets

The training has a focus on practical usage of the software. Participants bring a laptop to the course and will be guided in the use of VNA Tools through the different steps of a VNA measurement. This covers interaction with the VNA, data taking, VNA calibration, VNA error correction, data visualization, data export, evaluation of uncertainty contributions, uncertainty budget and more. The course however goes beyond a tutorial in software usage. It touches a wide range of conceptual aspects related to VNA Tools and relevant for the quality of VNA measurements in general, just to name a few.

  • the powerful generic uncertainty engine METAS UncLib,
  • the determination of best measurement capabilities,
  • the role of connector imperfections in the definition of calibration standards and best measurement practice.

Free VNA expert day

Day 4: State of the art primary S-parameter traceability and how VNA Tools can support 

Target audiance

Engineers, scientists, technicians and students in metrology, calibration, research and production. Anyone who is required to perform accurate S-parameter measurements and to demonstrate metrological traceability.


May 6-8, 2025 with VNA expert day on May 9, 2025



CHF 2,800, lunches and breaks included, without travel and accommodation. VNA expert day free for course participants.
CHF 1,400, for participants from academia with support letter from institution or proof of student card, number of seats limited.

Last modification 25.10.2023

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